22-Year-Old Dies of Cancer After Doctors Wrongfully Diagnose her Symptoms as Pregnancy

In November, 22-year-old Demi Wright went to the hospital complaining of a pain in her side. After running some diagnostic tests, doctors allegedly admitted Demi to the maternity ward of the hospital after they found hormones similar to pregnancy hormones in those tests.

But after a few months, Demi’s pain did not subside. It was then that doctors discovered a 12-centimeter growth. She left the maternity ward and was sent last month to Addenbrooke Hospital in Cambridge. She was diagnosed with terminal adenocarcinoma, which had spread around her body. A mere three weeks later, Demi Wright died with her family by her side on February 23.

Demi’s father recalls how quick and devastating it all was to the Colchester Gazette, “When we found out it was terminal, she lifted herself up, she patted the bed and said, ‘Dad, come and sit here.’ She gave me a big hug and said, ‘It’s going to be okay.’ The next day, she passed away.”

Demi’s father will undoubtedly replay this conversation over and over in his head throughout his life. Each holiday, birthday, or quiet moment will be filled with the devastation he feels recollecting his young daughter’s voice telling him, ‘It’s going to be okay’ when it wasn’t. And perhaps even more heartbreaking, is that Demi’s family isn’t the only family that has known this pain.

Demi is just one of the hundreds of thousands of people who die every year from medical malpractice in Phoenix. Medical errors come in many forms – not only in a wrongful diagnosis (such as in Demi’s case) – but also in surgical errors, medication errors, hospital errors, and more. But one thing remains the same throughout them all. Families are left broken, in emotional turmoil, and exhausted from grief.

However, the biggest mistake you could make as the survivor of your loved one, is to not hold the incompetent, negligent and careless healthcare professionals accountable for the wrongful loss of human life. Failing to do so only perpetuates the problem, leaving the possibility for another mistake to happen to another undeserving and unsuspecting person.

In Arizona, you will find the legal skill, knowledge, and passion for justice that is required in a medical malpractice/wrongful death action at the law firm of Knapp & Roberts. Our Phoenix injury attorneys have a long and impressive history of bringing in substantial monetary awards in complex medical malpractice and wrongful death cases. We work with highly respected medical professionals who help us locate when and where the medical error occurred, how the error was the direct cause of the person’s death, and where the medical treatment deviated from the expected standard of practice in Arizona’s medical community.

We are a well-established firm with the financial resources to advance all the costs of investigating and preparing these cases, which are not insignificant. You only pay us if we win money for you, so as a client, you risk nothing.

At Knapp & Roberts, our specialized Phoenix wrongful death attorneys are committed to helping clients through a devastating time. Give us a call today at 480-991-7677 to talk about your case at no charge. Legal time limits apply, so call today to protect your right to justice.