4 Arizona Hospitals with the Lowest Rating

Think of the three nearest hospitals to your home. Which one would you go to if you needed to visit the emergency room? Which would you go to if you were planning to have a baby? Which would you choose if you had to have surgery? Did you choose the same hospital for all three instances or did your answer change? The Hospital Safety Score is a public service provided by The Leapfrog Group, a nonprofit organization with a goal to drive quality, safety and transparency in the U.S. health system. They recently released a ranking of all Arizona hospitals based on the number of infections, problems with surgery, practices to prevent errors, safety problems, and hospital staff.

The best hospitals receive an A-rating (ten hospitals received this rating), but there were four hospitals that received a D. Those hospitals include:

Maricopa Integrated Health System in Phoenix, AZ
Sierra Vista Regional Health Center in Sierra Vista, AZ
St. Luke’s Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ
Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital in Tempe, AZ

You can view the full list of hospitals and their ratings on hospitalsafetyscore.org. In viewing this list, click on “View the full Score” to learn more information about why the hospital received that rating. Also, underneath their letter grade on that page, we suggest selecting “Show Past Grades” to see how they have rated in the past 3 years. Some hospitals have received an F rating in the past. Others have improved for the first time in three years from a D rating to a C rating. You can learn more about past grades, as well.

The goal? You’ll want to find the hospital with the best rating nearest to you. The more educated you are on the strengths and weaknesses of hospitals in your area, the more likely you are to make a safer decision for you and your family in choosing medical care. If you’d like more info on hospitals near you from another source, you can find ratings on the U.S. News and World Report website, as well. However, keep in mind this website does not rank every hospital. It looks at 5,000 hospitals across the U.S. to find the best in the nation based on criteria and patient outcomes.