A vehicle rollover is one of the worst things that can happen to you while driving. According to Consumer Reports, rollovers make up only 3 percent of all serious crashes, but they account for an estimated 30 percent of people killed while riding in a vehicle.
Rollovers can happen to anyone – adults and teens alike – and they can happen in any vehicle, but they are more common in taller, narrower, top-heavy vehicles such as SUVs, trucks, and vans. When driving a vehicle, using common sense, driving safely, and following routine maintenance procedures is important in preventing rollovers. But there’s more you can do to protect yourself.
Here are 6 things you can do to prevent a rollover accident:
1.) The newer the vehicle, the better. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the rollover driver-death rate among newer vehicles dropped from 27 in the year 2000 to 6 in 2012. Now, the newest SUVs have lower rollover driver-death rates than newer cars. It’s important to note, however, that between 2000 and 2012, the number of SUVs on the road has increased. Therefore, the actual number of deaths hasn’t changed much despite improved survival rates. When buying a vehicle, seek those that have electronic stability control and side-curtain air bags.
2.) Wear your seat belt. This should be the first thing you and your passengers do when entering a vehicle. Seat belts help keep you in the seat so you are not tossed around or thrown from your vehicle in case of a rollover accident. Half of rollover fatalities are due to passengers being tossed around or ejected from the vehicle. In all kinds of crashes, nearly 75 percent of people ejected from a vehicle are killed.
3.) Check your tires. Your tires should be in good shape and properly inflated at all times. Make a habit of checking your tire pressure at least once each month. It’s also a good habit to take a look at your tires each time you drive your vehicle. This doesn’t have to be a big production, just take a look. If you make a habit of looking at your tires every time you walk to your car, you’ll start to notice if a tire is a little flat.
4.) Consider the weight in your vehicle. SUVs and trucks are great for lugging around bigger or heavier items, but overloading a vehicle decreases your vehicle’s stability and puts you at risk for rollover. This is especially true when placing items on your vehicle’s roof. Take a look at your owner’s manual and find the load ratings specified. When carrying cargo, try to place is as low on the floor and as close to the center of the vehicle as possible.
5.) Pay attention. If you’re texting while driving, talking on the phone, fixing your radio, eating while driving, applying make up, etc… your reaction time is slower and abrupt. Many rollover accidents are the result of a driver turning their steering wheel too fast in an attempt to avoid an accident or stay in their designated lane. Pay attention, don’t drive distracted, and you will be safer.
6.) Don’t speed. The faster you go, the higher your chances for a rollover. The government reports that about 40 percent of fatal rollovers involve excessive speed. It’s simple: abide by the speed limit. If you’re carrying cargo, consider taking the side streets instead of the freeway. This will allow you to drive at a safer speed without the pressure or temptation to go faster.
Practicing these 6 tips to prevent a rollover accident can lower your risk while driving. However, if you have been injured in a rollover accident, or any other motor vehicle accident, call the Phoenix car accident lawyers at Knapp & Roberts. Their skill and expertise can help you during a traumatic time. Call their office at (480) 991-7677 today or fill out a free consultation form.