How to Recognize Stage 2 Bedsores

Recognizing Stage 2 Bedsores

Nursing home administrators, staff, and caregivers have a legal obligation to provide skilled care and the best possible quality of life with respect for each resident’s human dignity. Part of this responsibility is to prevent painful bedsores and to promptly recognize bedsores in the earliest possible stages to minimize the pain and prevent infections and life-threatening sepsis. Unfortunately, many factors make seniors in nursing homes more likely to develop bedsores, particularly when caregivers do not live up to their duty of reasonable care. If a loved one has suffered due to neglected care, a Phoenix bed sores lawyer can help you hold the nursing home accountable and seek justice for the harm caused.

What Are Bedsores?

Bedsores occur in immobile or bedridden individuals whose physical limitations leave them unable to change their positions without assistance. Unrelieved pressure compressing the flesh against the bone reduces blood circulation, causing cell death and tissue damage. Stage one bedsores typically present as a reddened or darkened area of skin, usually at the pressure point. It may feel raised, depressed, or roughened and feel warmer or colder than the surrounding skin.

Elderly nursing home residents face an increased risk of bedsores for the following reasons:

  • They have medical conditions that limit or restrict mobility
  • They have fragile skin, often dry and cracked due to age and dehydration
  • They may be unable to care for their own toileting and personal hygiene and rely on caregivers who are overwhelmed due to understaffing and overcrowding

When not prevented completely, bedsores should be recognized in stage 1 and not allowed to progress to stage 2. Sadly, bedsores sometimes progress to more serious stages in nursing home residents.

Recognizing Stage 2 Bedsores in Nursing Homes

If caregivers fail to recognize and effectively treat stage 1 bedsores, the reddened, darkened, or roughened area progresses to the next stage. The tissue death caused by oxygen deprivation due to unrelieved pressure causes the dead cells to slough away, resulting in a blister or open sore. The area becomes further reddened, inflamed, and painful. The center of the sore may be pink and moist, surrounded by red, swollen skin. If the blister opens, it may seep or ooze pus. Also in stage two, the tissue death continues to progress below the surface of the sore, advancing through the skin layers toward the underlying fat, muscle, and bone.

How to Treat Stage 2 Bedsores

It’s imperative to treat stage 2 bedsores promptly and aggressively to prevent advancement to stage three and four which is an open wound exposing first muscle and then bone and requiring painful medical treatment like the debriding of dead skin and surgery. Treating stage two bedsores requires the following:

  • Relieving all pressure from the area by repositioning the resident
  • Carefully cleaning the sore and then keeping it clean and dry
  • Ensuring that the nursing home resident stays well-hydrated and properly nourished with high levels of vitamins, A and C, adequate protein intake, and minerals like zinc and iron
  • Frequent inspection of the area to ensure it remains clean and dry
  • Putting moisture barriers in place to protect against bodily fluids if necessary

Stage 2 bedsores should only be treated with topical antibiotics if they do not improve within 14 days.

How Can a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Help My Case?

When left unidentified, untreated, and allowed to progress, stage 2 bedsores progress to more serious stages with painful open wounds that may expose the underlying tissue and bone, become infected, and lead to deadly sepsis. If you or a loved one in a nursing home suffered the advanced stages of bedsores with infection or sepsis, call the Phoenix nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers at Knapp & Roberts. We help injury victims or a deceased loved one’s family members obtain compensation for damages, including medical expenses, compensation for pain and suffering, diminished quality of life, or wrongful death.