How APS Helps Arizona Seniors

APS or Adult Protective Services is a state social services program that serves older adults who need assistance with everyday living and adults with disabilities.  APS workers investigate cases of abuse, neglect, or exploitation statewide.  APS workers assess a senior’s unique needs then develop a service plan to maintain his or her safety, health, and independence.

APS does not work alone.  Instead, the organization allies with professionals such as physicians, nurses, paramedics, firefighters, and law enforcement officers.

APS in Action

When a private citizen or mandatory reporter has concerns about a senior’s welfare, that person reaches out to their local APS office to report the situation.  The details are screened by a trained professional to evaluate if it meets the statutory requirements for abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

If so, an APS worker will conduct a face-to-face meeting with the senior needing assistance and assess that adult’s safety and need for advocacy.  Then the APS worker will determine if any services would benefit the senior.  It is the senior’s right to accept or decline aid.

When matching seniors with potential solutions, APS works to find assistance within the least restrictive setting, in the senior’s own home when possible.  APS also strives to help maintain their highest level of self-sufficiency.

Information to Have When Calling APS

When calling APS, it is helpful for a caller to provide as much factual information as possible.  This information may include any of the following:

  • Why physical, sexual, or financial abuse is suspected;
  • Why neglect or exploitation is suspected;
  • The alleged victim and perpetrators’ address, phone number, age, or directions to their home(s); and
  • What any safety concerns may be for the senior.

The APS worker will gather any other details that may benefit the senior needing assistance and begin a report.  If the caller only wants help and resources, the APS worker will provide the caller with referrals to assistance and services.

 The APS Investigation

The APS investigation is an information-gathering process where parties are contacted who may know about any alleged abuse, including:

  • Doctors;
  • Family members;
  • Neighbors;
  • Pastors; and 
  • Any other relevant parties.

After all readily available contacts are made, APS staff evaluates and decides if the senior needs protective services.  In an emergency, the staff contacts the police, paramedics, or other emergency personnel immediately.

Unconfirmed cases are closed or referred to more appropriate community resources.  Confirmed cases are reported to the proper authorities for action.

How to Reach APS in Arizona

If you suspect a senior is suffering from abuse in Arizona, reach out to APS at the following:

Adult Protective Services (APS)-Adult Abuse Hotline:
(877) SOS-ADULT [(877) 767-2385]
TDD: (877) 815-8390

Area Agency on Aging – 24-hour Senior HELPLINE:
(602) 264-HELP [(602) 264-4357]

Or call your local police department.

Contact an Experienced Arizona Elder Abuse Attorney

If your loved one was the victim of elder abuse in Arizona, you are not alone.  The elder abuse attorneys at Knapp & Roberts fights to hold abusers responsible for the physical, emotional, and financial harm they inflict on seniors.  Let our compassionate and dedicated attorneys help pursue justice on behalf of your loved one.

Learn how and when abusers can be held responsible for during a free consultation at Knapp & Roberts today.  We will advise you of your legal options and can assist you with reporting your matter to the appropriate authorities.