As they reach their declining years, our elderly loved ones deserve to be treated with kindness, compassion, and respect for their dignity. When family members place an aging relative into a nursing home, they expect their loved one to receive full-time care, concern for their comfort, and the medical attention they need to live out their remaining years in the best possible physical and emotional health. Sadly, despite their warm ads and compassionate tones, many nursing homes and other elder care facilities not only fail to provide the diligent care they promise but also allow egregious abuse and neglect of residents to occur under their watch. When abuse occurs to the elderly, it has a dramatic negative impact on their quality of life and sometimes leads to diminished life expectancy and death at a time when they most deserve care, comfort, and protection.
If your elderly family member experienced abuse or neglect in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or elsewhere, we’re ready to become a voice for justice. Call the Phoenix elder abuse attorneys at Knapp & Roberts today for a free confidential consultation so we can begin working toward justice and compensation in your loved one’s case.
Why Choose Us for Your Elder Abuse Case in Phoenix?
The attorneys at Knapp & Roberts focus their team’s energy on egregious injuries and wrongful deaths, including that of our vulnerable elderly population. We understand the devastating toll these cases take on entire families. While no legal action can undo the harm, it does provide a powerful voice for justice and relief for financial hardship associated with preventable injury or death. At the Arizona elder abuse attorney law firm of Knapp & Roberts, we provide the following advantages in your loved one’s case:
- Free consultations and no fees until we secure your compensation and justice for your injured elder
- A dedicated, involved attorney who takes the time to get to know clients and their families so they can better understand the impacts of the case on the lives of loved ones
- A results-oriented approach that goes beyond achieving justice and compensation for one family, but also seeks to make a difference in the way our nation’s elderly loved ones receive care going forward
- A law firm with a track record of success in achieving positive outcomes, impressive settlements, and stunning jury awards for our clients with injured elderly family members to put a powerful voice behind your case
Our elder abuse lawyers have many recent successful case outcomes including an $11 million jury verdict in an assisted living resident neglect case, a $3 million settlement for a pressure-sore death claim, and a $45 million verdict in a group home abuse case.
How Common Is Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes?
Elder abuse in nursing homes and assisted living facilities may feel intensely personal to your family, but it’s sadly more common than most people realize. According to the Nursing Home Abuse Center, the statistics are startling, including the following research and survey results:
- Around 5 million elderly residents become the victims of nursing home abuse each year
- Women experience abuse in nursing homes at a higher rate than men with nearly 64% of abuse cases occurring in women
- Residents of lower socioeconomic status are more likely to experience abuse
- Residents with histories of previous abuse are more likely to experience further abuse in nursing homes
- 81% of nursing home staff members indicate witnessing emotional abuse to elders and 40% admitted to committing emotional abuse
- A survey of over 450 family members of elderly nursing home residents revealed that close to 25% reported at least one instance of physical abuse experienced by their loved one
- In a recent 14-year period, 600,000 elders were treated for abuse-related injuries in emergency rooms, while 19,000 elderly homicides were reported in the same period
Physical elder abuse in nursing homes also includes sexual abuse, though these are the most underreported instances of physical abuse due to the perceived stigma of abuse of this nature as well as fears of retaliation. Despite these barriers to reporting nursing home sexual abuse, nearly 2% of residents report experiencing sexual abuse while under care in nursing homes.
Symptoms of Physical Elder Abuse in Phoenix Nursing Homes
When an elderly loved one experiences abuse in a nursing home or assisted living facility, they may be unable to tell even their closest family members due to physical and cognitive limitations, dementia, or simple fear of retaliation by the abusive or neglectful members of their care team. Loved ones should watch for the following signs and symptoms of elder abuse in nursing home residents:
- Bedsores, especially those that reach stage 4
- Broken bones
- Dehydration and malnutrition
- Bruises, cuts, and soft-tissue injuries
- Withdrawal from family members
- Reporting frequent falls
- Unexplained sexually transmitted diseases
- Poor hygiene
- Personality changes
- Unkempt personal appearance, dirty bed linens, unclean room
- Broken personal items like eyeglasses, dentures, and hearing aids
- Unexplained bleeding from the vagina or anus
When an elderly family member exhibits any of the above signs of abuse and neglect in nursing homes in Phoenix, it’s critical to investigate, provide protection against further abuse, and contact the Arizona elder abuse attorneys at Knapp & Roberts for skilled representation in a legal claim.
What Damages Are Available in Nursing Home Abuse Cases in Phoenix?
When a preventable injury occurs due to the negligent or wrongful actions of another, the consequences to the victim and their family are known as “damages” in a personal injury case. For those who suffer from nursing home and elder abuse cases, common compensation for damages includes the following:
- Reimbursement of medical expenses
- Future medical expenses related to the injury
- Wrongful death compensation
- Funeral and burial costs
- Non-economic damages like pain and suffering, emotional trauma, depression, diminished life quality, and fear and humiliation damages
If your loved one has suffered from neglect or elder abuse in a nursing home or you suspect abuse played a role in an elderly loved one’s death, reach out to the compassionate elder abuse attorneys in Phoenix to talk about your rights and legal options.
Call Our Phoenix Elder Abuse Lawyers Today
If your loved one has been harmed due to abuse or neglect in a nursing home, reach out to the Phoenix elder abuse attorneys at Knapp & Roberts. We make it our goal to bring attention to this egregious problem and compensation to victims and their families. We represent clients whose loved ones in long-term care have experienced:
- Bed sores
- Infections
- Head injuries
- Sepsis
- Fractures
- Unexplained injuries
- Weight loss and malnutrition
- Medication mistakes
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Physical assault
- Sexual assault
We’re ready to be a voice for justice in your loved one’s elder abuse case in Phoenix today.