As families, we care for our elderly family members for as long as possible, but often a time comes when their care needs exceed the family’s capabilities. That’s when families either turn to their elderly loved one’s pre-chosen nursing home facility plan or begin seeking a nursing home to care for their family member. Choosing the right nursing home can be a daunting task. Many people aren’t certain what to look for beyond the surface appearance and the friendliness of the administrative staff. So, how do family members find the right nursing home to trust with their oldest and most beloved loved ones?
Know The Available Organizations for Researching Nursing Homes
It’s essential to do your homework before choosing a nursing home, beginning with the available local resources. Much of the initial research can be done online by reaching out to the following organizations:
- Contact your state’s licensing agency or health department and ask for information on each home’s quality of care in the available nursing homes in your area and the results of any complaint investigation reports
- Go to Medicare.Govnursinghomecompare and search for nursing home survey findings in your area
- Contact your local ombudsman’s office. A nursing home ombudsman advocates for the elderly, investigates complaints and provides information about nursing homes available in your area
- Look up each nursing home in the area and read online reviews from residents and family members
Also, private organizations like, and Nursing Home Inspect help families find nursing home information, details, and reviews for facilities in their area.
Make In-Person Visits to Prospective Nursing Homes In Your Area
Once you’ve reviewed the nursing homes within your area and narrowed down the selection, it’s time to make in-person visits. Ask questions about the facility’s quality of care, the ratio of caregivers to residents during each shift, and the cost. Key staff members to speak with include the nursing home director and the nursing director. Ask about the following:
- How does the home provide access to medical care and mental health care, as well as preventative screenings and transportation to medical appointments?
- What is the screening process for hiring caregivers?
- What type of training do the care providers have?
- Does a doctor make regular checks on residents?
- Are there private spaces for visits with family and friends?
- Are there special units for those with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease?
- How do they handle outbreaks of infectious disease or infections?
Check for the home’s Medicare and Medicaid certifications and their state license. Then, take an unscheduled tour to check for cleanliness, upkeep, and well-maintained furnishings, mobility equipment, living areas, and grounds. Look at the week’s posted activities schedule to ensure that residents have access to stimulating activities, recreation, and outings. Note the interactions between staff and residents to ensure that caregivers are respectful as well as warm, friendly, and compassionate. Finally, note the appearance of the residents. Do they look clean, groomed, well-cared for, and appear content?
Witnessing the quality of care, interactions between caregivers and residents, and the way of life for residents of a nursing home is one of the best ways to make an informed decision for your family.
Finalizing Your Nursing Home Choice
Choosing the right nursing home for yourself or a loved one is a critical decision. Nursing home injuries, abuse, or neglect can cause a significant decline in an elderly person’s quality of life and even lead to wrongful death. When a loved one enters a nursing home, it’s important for relatives to make frequent visits, not only to enjoy time with their elderly loved one, but also to make routine wellness checks and to ensure the home remains well-maintained and safe, and that caregivers deliver high-quality care with respect for human dignity. If you suspect abuse of your loved one in a nursing home, then you need to contact a Phoenix nursing home abuse lawyer from Knapp and Roberts to get the justice your loved one deserves.