The 4th of July is the time of year where family and friends gather to BBQ, swim out by the pool, watch fireworks, and have a good time. But all too often celebrations turn tragic due to drunk drivers. The fact is that this iconic American holiday is also one of the deadliest of the year due to drunk-driving crashes.
According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), during the July 4th holiday between the years 2009 and 2013, 750 people lost their lives in crashes involving drivers with a BAC of .08 or more. These fatalities account for 39% percent of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities over this same 5-year period. This is why it’s so important to use alternative modes of transportation if you do choose to drink, be extra careful if you choose not to drink but have to drive, or stay off the roads entirely if you can avoid it.
Here’s a list of alternative modes of transportation you can use this 4th of July in Arizona:
Uber – Download this app on your smartphone and you can request a ride to come get you. The app will show what drivers are near you and how long until they can pick you up. Keep in mind that these will be people employed by Uber, but they will be using their own vehicle. The pro to using Uber is that all transactions (tip included) are done through the app. There is no exchange of money at all, nor will the driver ask for a credit card. A con to using Uber is that, although you can get a ride on demand, the prices will increase if a lot of people need a ride at once. This is called surge pricing and can be very expensive. Outside of surge pricing hours, Uber does advertise that using Uber is cheaper.
Cab Companies – There are many cab company options for Arizonans. You may be familiar with bigger brand names like Discount Cab, Yellow Cab Company, or Clean Air Cab, which you can call, text or book online. You’ll want to stay away from cabs that aren’t clearly marked, and use caution with cab companies you haven’t heard of. Some cab companies don’t have a meter in the car and will overcharge. If you need to use a credit card, ask the driver before getting in the cab if he or she accepts credit cards.
Valley Metro Light Rail – If you’re traveling through Mesa, Tempe, or Phoenix, the light rail may be an option for you, as well. Light rails typically run every 10-20 minutes, but you can find the times the light rail will be at each spot on their website.
If you’re driving on the roads this weekend, keep an eye out for drivers or vehicles that are driving wildly or irresponsibly. If a car is driving too slow or fast, swerving, running red lights, or hitting their brakes often and without reason, do anything you can to stay clear. Slow down, speed up, take a different route, or pull over. Also, call police to report it. In doing so, you could be saving someone’s life.
Remember: Have fun, but be safe!