Wrongful Death

Nightclub shooting

Jury Verdict
Wrongful death

Group Home

Jury Verdict
Resident neglect

Assisted living facility

Jury Verdict
Shoulder & Neck Surgery

Over-serving of Alcohol

Wrongful Death

Memory Care Unit

Wrongful Death

Memory Care Unit

Medical Malpractice

Cerebral Palsy-Birth Injuries

Neglect & Wrongful Death

Nursing Home Resident

Nursing home abuse

Pressure Sore Death

Wrongful death

Cervical cancer

Phoenix Elder
Abuse Attorney

Are you among the many American families who have made the difficult decision to put a loved one in a nursing home?

Our population is aging, and as members of the Baby Boom generation move into their later years, we are seeing an explosion in the number of elderly needing assisted living or nursing home care. That number is expected to continue growing. It is projected that by 2050, people age 65 and older will make up one fifth of the U.S. population. The nation’s fastest growing demographic is people age 85 and older!

Because Arizona is a favorite retirement destination, our state has a higher proportion of elderly residents than many other states. Unfortunately, a correlate to this explosion in our elderly population is that we are seeing an increasing number of cases of abuse and neglect in eldercare facilities. When you select an assisted living facility or nursing home, you expect—as is your right—that your family member will receive the best of care, but all too often, this does not happen. Arizona nursing home abuse, assisted living abuse, and group home abuse should not be tolerated. At Knapp & Roberts, we can help.

Statistics Reveal Failure of Eldercare Facilities to Provide Adequate Care

If an older member of your family has been a victim of abuse or neglect in a nursing home or assisted living home, you are not alone. These statistics are indicative of the scope of the problem:

  • The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) reports that that 91 percent of nursing homes do not employ adequate staff to deliver proper care to patients.
  • More than a third of all nursing homes employ staff members who have violated laws against elder abuse.
    More than half of nursing home care-giving staff participating in a recent survey admitted to having mistreated patients during the prior year in the form of neglect, violence, or emotional abuse.
  • Adults 80 and above are two to three times more likely to be abused, according to the Elder Maltreatment Alliance (EMA).
  • Elder abuse is severely underreported; only one of every twenty-four abuse cases is ever reported, according to some estimates.

Click to hear our radio interview on KTAR

Helping the catastrophically
injured and surviving family members
reclaim their lives

Types of Abuse

Elder abuse in care institutions takes many forms, all of them robbing the victim of comfort, dignity, and peace of mind in their last years.

  • Wrongful Death
  • Bed sores/ Pressure Sores
  • Failing to protect patient from falls
  • Sexual Assault
  • Allowing a demented patient to wander unsupervised
  • Physical Abuse
  • Abuse from another resident
  • Medication Errors

Get help promptly for suspected abuse

The best way to determine if your loved one is being properly cared for is to pop in unannounced for a visit regularly. If you notice any of these red flags, don’t wait to take action.

  • Hunger or thirst
  • Confusion
  • Fearfulness, withdrawal
  • Wasted, gaunt appearance
  • Bruises
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Rashes or bites
  • Bed sores
  • Welts
  • Rope marks
  • Unexplained injuries
  • Evasive answers by staff when questioned about injuries
  • Use of different emergency rooms to treat injuries

Take prompt action if you suspect abuse, because the consequences to the elderly patient are dire which could lead to death.

Types of Cases We Handle

Craig Knapp, Dana Roberts, and their team of attorneys know how to help you. We can discuss your rights, explore your legal opportunities, and focus all our energy and resources on your recovery. We’ll do everything we can to help you feel comforted, confident, and in control of your future during this difficult time. Start with a free case review - call (480) 991-7677 or contact us online.

Nursing Home Wrongful Death

At Knapp & Roberts, we cannot erase the tragedy of a wrongful death, but we want to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Nursing Home Neglect

We are ready to help hold nursing home administrators accountable and become your family’s voice for justice.

Elder Sexual Abuse

Nursing home residents are highly vulnerable, and losing the security of their home adds significant psychological damage.


Various researchers have reported that hydration abnormalities are rampant among nursing home residents.

Bed Sores

Bedsores alone can turn deadly, but they are often an indicator of a neglectful or dangerous environment.

Nursing Home Falls

Many residents of these facilities are unable to care for themselves and prone to falls due to age and other health concerns.

Nursing Home Wrongful Death

At Knapp & Roberts, we cannot erase the tragedy of a wrongful death, but we want to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Nursing Home Neglect

We are ready to help hold nursing home administrators accountable and become your family’s voice for justice.

Elder Sexual Abuse

Nursing home residents are highly vulnerable, and losing the security of their home adds significant psychological damage.


Various researchers have reported that hydration abnormalities are rampant among nursing home residents.

Bed Sores

Bedsores alone can turn deadly, but they are often an indicator of a neglectful or dangerous environment.

Nursing Home Falls

Many residents of these facilities are unable to care for themselves and prone to falls due to age and other health concerns.

Client Testimonials

I knew he was the right person to represent me in my mom's wrongful death case with an assisted living facility.

I was referred to Craig Knapp by another attorney in town. I went on his website during a weekend and completed a brief description of my situation. He called me within an hour to discuss it! After that initial call, I knew he was the right person to represent me in my mom's wrongful death case with an assisted living facility. He patiently explained exactly what would happen and the time it could take to have closure to a very difficult situation. The outcome was way beyond my expectations. The best compliment I can give Craig Knapp is that my mom would have liked him, a lot and would have been so appreciative of how much he cared and how hard he worked in her honor.


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Client Testimonials

One of the tactics employed by the facility resulted in arguments before the AZ Supreme Court, which were won by Knapp and Roberts and set a new precedent.

My wife's mother suffered an accident at a nursing home through the facility's negligence. The accident resulted in her death. My wife and her two brothers retained Knapp and Roberts. Even though the facility quickly engaged in a series of damage control actions, Knapp and Roberts were able to cut through the obstructions and demonstrate gross negligence. One of the tactics employed by the facility resulted in arguments before the AZ Supreme Court, which were won by Knapp and Roberts and set a new precedent. Through vigorous and informed discussions, Craig Knapp ultimately negotiated an equitable settlement. My wife and her brothers will always grieve their mother, but Knapp and Roberts were able to bring a degree of closure to these sad circumstances. It's my sincere belief that Craig Knapp and his firm met and overcame daunting obstacles that would have left lesser lawyers foundering.


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Client Testimonials

The wisdom and support we received from Craig resulted in a positive finding for my son and a settlement that exceeded our expectations.

I have a son with severe developmental disabilities, including not being able to verbally communicate in ways most people can understand. He requires around-the-clock supervision and support. In 2019, in what was supposed to be an effort to provide him with additional support, he was a part-time resident in a group home. Unfortunately, while there, he was treated with significant negligence and abuse, even beaten by a staff member.


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We hold big insurance companies and large corporations accountable

Together, We can make a difference.

Help change the system or situation that caused this tragedy.

Change the system or situation that caused this tragedy. Especially when the case involves a death or permanent injury. This can happen from medical malpractice, defective or dangerous products, nursing home neglect, auto accidents. You can be a force in assuring this will not happen to others. Every member of our legal is focused on attaining justice for each client and using each legal victory to bring about larger societal changes. Ultimately, our cases have saved countless lives, made vehicles, long-term care facilities, group home, and hospitals safer. We hold big insurance companies and large corporation accountable.

We care. We listen. We can help.

Obtain the compensation necessary for the injuries and losses you have suffered. If a loved one is facing lifelong disability or if your family is facing the emotional and financial loss of a family member contact our law firm.

Legal Assistance for Suspected Nursing Home Abuse in Phoenix, Arizona

For compassionate, skilled, and experienced legal assistance in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and the surrounding area, contact the law firm of Knapp & Roberts at the first sign that all is not well for your loved one. We have a superior track record of holding assisted living and nursing home facilities accountable when they fail in their duty to deliver proper care, and have won settlements and verdicts in the millions of dollars for our clients.

We understand that placing a family member in a home is often an agonizing decision, made worse when the needed care is not provided. While we cannot undo the damage your loved one has suffered, we can help the patient and family recover monetary damages, sometimes punitive as well as compensatory. Working together, we can reduce the incidence of patient abuse and hold care facilities to a higher standard, allowing our elderly to pass their final years in comfort and the best health possible at their age.

Call Knapp & Roberts today to schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help. There is never a fee unless we recover money for you.