Ombudsman For Nursing Homes in Phoenix

nursing home ombudsman in phoenix

Residents of nursing homes are typically there because they are no longer able to care for themselves and their care requirements are outside of the capabilities of their immediate family members. Sadly, this also means that many nursing home residents have physical or cognitive challenges that make it difficult or impossible for them to advocate for themselves in cases of neglect, physical abuse, or financial abuse while in the care of nursing home staff. It’s often challenging for family members to advocate for their loved ones in nursing home neglect or abuse cases because the facility administrators and staff do not volunteer information and sometimes conceal wrongdoing. So who do victims of nursing home abuse in Phoenix and their loved ones turn to for help? The first important step toward accountability and positive action in a Phoenix nursing home abuse case is a nursing home ombudsman.

What Is an Ombudsman?

An ombudsman (or ombudsperson) is a public official who works as a mediator for administrators of an organization or agency and their clients, employees, patients, or residents. Today, the term “Ombudsman” is most commonly associated with nursing home ombudsman or the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP). Both federal and state governments developed the nursing home ombudsman program in response to widespread reporting of nursing home neglect and abuse. A nursing home ombudsman in Phoenix and elsewhere responds to reports of abuse in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities within their region. They investigate the situation, identify problems, and suggest resolutions. An ombudsman protects the rights of elderly residents who may be unable to speak up for themselves effectively and their family members who don’t know where to turn for help.

What Are an Ombdsman’s Duties?

An ombudsman in Phoenix works with nursing home staff, residents, and concerned family members to address care concerns and intervene on behalf of nursing home residents who are victims of abuse, neglect, or wrongful eviction from the nursing home. In addition, the ombudsman program in Phoenix does the following:

  • Supports and advocates for the rights of nursing home residents
  • Provides education and educational materials for nursing home administrators and staff as well as for residents, families, and communities
  • Assists nursing home residents in obtaining any services they need
  • Make routine visits to nursing homes and other assisted living facilities to speak to residents about their care and concerns
  • Monitor conditions in area nursing homes

In Arizona, the Department of Economic Security (DES) oversees the state’s regional ombudsman program.

How Can a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Help?

An ombudsman is an important resource and ally in cases of nursing home abuse. The information they provide on other instances of abuse or neglect associated with specific long-term care facilities is invaluable in an abuse case and so is their advocacy for other residents in a nursing home where alleged abuse has occurred. However, your local ombudsman does not provide legal representation for those seeking compensation for damages such as medical expenses and compensation for pain and suffering or wrongful death. A nursing home abuse lawyer represents injured elderly victims and their loved ones in a claim against the facility’s liability insurance or a lawsuit against the negligent facility.

Call the nursing home lawyers at Knapp & Roberts in Phoenix so we can evaluate your case and take prompt action on your elderly loved one’s behalf.