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Doctors and other medical providers owe their patients a special duty of care. They must treat patients at the standard of care accepted by the medical community or the way another, reasonable physician would treat them under the same circumstances. When a clinician fails in this duty, it constitutes medical malpractice and leaves them liable for the victim’s damages like medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering compensation. Consulting a medical malpractice attorney in Arizona can help victims understand their rights and seek compensation.
Although an earlier study citing medical malpractice as the nation’s third leading cause of death has been largely debunked as faulty, the fact is that malpractice cases remain high in the United States based on how many victims file claims each year. A startling 31.2% of physicians face at least one medical malpractice lawsuit during their careers.
Emergency rooms are commonly cited in medical malpractice cases claiming missed diagnosis, misdiagnosis, or delayed diagnosis; however, medical malpractice cases also occur in the following environments:
Doctors, nurses, physician assistants, facility administrators, and medical clinicians are commonly named in medical malpractice cases.
As statistics come into place in 2024, medical malpractice lawsuits continue to rise. California had the highest number of cases in 2023 at 5,313 claims with Texas and Florida coming in at second and third with over 4,000 cases. Other key medical malpractice statistics are as follows:
Over 96% of medical malpractice claims are resolved outside of court through a settlement with the provider’s medical malpractice insurance. Over 250,000 deaths are attributable to medical malpractice each year or about 9.5% of all deaths.
Despite questions about the methods used in the study, the Johns Hopkins study on medical malpractice cases has a startling conclusion, placing medical malpractice as a leading cause of death in the U.S. along with cancer, heart disease, and respiratory diseases.
The personal injury attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona, at Knapp & Roberts have the compassion and trial lawyer skills to tell your story to a jury. We will get to know you and your family so that we can help the jury understand what has happened to you and your family and how it has changed your lives. Obtain the compensation necessary for the injuries and losses you have suffered.
Bob L. - "Mr. Knapp helped me with decisions I did not know how to deal with until he gave me excellent legal and medical consultation."