While law enforcement is waging a war on illegal drugs, hundreds of thousands of Americans are suffering illness and death from drugs that are perfectly legal. These illnesses and deaths are not a result of unethical pain management doctors dispensing prescriptions out of pill mills. Rather, they are the fault of health care professionals’ negligence when writing, reading, or filing legitimate patient prescriptions.
Prescription drug dangers are endless, and prescription drug medication errors are the most frequent and harmful type of medical error. Therefore, finding the right Phoenix medication error attorney is vital.
The Right Phoenix Medication and Prescription Error Attorney
If you or a loved one were a health care patient in Arizona and were harmed by a wrong medication or wrong medication dosage you were given by a doctor, pharmacy, nurse, or another medical professional, consult the experienced Phoenix medical malpractice attorneys at Knapp & Roberts to learn about any legal recourse available in your situation.
One of the experienced medication and prescription error attorneys at Knapp & Roberts can advise you if you have a provable case. A successful medication and prescription error claim can permit you to recover monetary damages for your medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other hardships experienced due to the prescription error.
These are often complex and challenging cases to prove, so our attorneys’ level of experience with health care cases is vital. In addition to our level of experience, the medication and prescription error attorneys at Knapp & Roberts are:
- Proven successful and determined to succeed;
- Experienced in courtroom litigation and negotiation; and
- Aggressive fighters for fair and just compensation on your behalf.
Contact our Phoenix office today to schedule a no-obligation consultation with one of our attorneys. We will meet with you at your convenience and only charge fees when we win compensation on your behalf.
Let Our Experienced Medication and Prescription Error Attorneys Help You
In Arizona, you will find the experienced legal representation you need at the Phoenix law firm of Knapp & Roberts. Our Phoenix personal injury attorneys have a long history of success and many years of experience recovering substantial settlements and verdicts for our clients, some in the millions of dollars. When you’ve been injured by a prescription drug error, you can count on us to fight aggressively and tirelessly for your right to a recovery.
At Knapp & Roberts, we believe in justice for anyone who has been injured by incompetent, careless, or negligent medical professionals. By holding these people accountable, together, we can reduce the incidence of this substandard treatment in the future, saving lives and health, as well as helping to alleviate the damage to your finances and your quality of life resulting from the negligence.
Our medication and prescription error attorneys know what types of prescribing mistakes commonly occur, what to look for when reviewing your medical records, and which respected medical experts to call upon to provide testimony and support for your claim. We also know how to prove a prescription error caused you or your loved one injury or resulted in death. Doing this can be very difficult to prove on your own.
Knapp & Roberts’ attorneys will:
- Determine how a prescription drug was responsible for your injury;
- Hold those liable for your injuries responsible;
- Ensure you receive compensation for your pain and suffering; and
- Effectively and efficiently handle your case in trial or negotiations.
If you believe that you or a loved one were injured as the result of a prescription drug error, retain one of the proficient prescription drug attorneys at Knapp & Roberts. Contact or call us in Phoenix now to schedule your appointment to meet with an attorney.
Disturbing Statistics About Prescription Medication Errors
Statistics don’t lie and these numbers are shocking: 400,000 prescription errors per year occur in hospitals and a whopping 800,000 per year in nursing homes and long-term care facilities that cause actual harm to patients. That’s well over a million patients who are in a hospital or care facility to receive help for their health problems but are harmed instead. Every day in this country at least one person dies from a prescription error that could have been prevented with proper care.
What is a Medication Error?
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s Division of Medication Error Prevention and Analysis defines a medication error as “any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the healthcare professional, patient, or consumer.”
Medication errors with both prescription and over-the-counter medications can occur when:
- Prescribing medication;
- Communicating the prescription;
- Labeling, packaging, and naming the medication;
- Formulating the medication;
- Dispensing the medication;
- Distributing the medication;
- Performing administration and education about the medication;
- Monitoring the dispensing of the medication; and
- Using of the medication.
Common Causes of Medication Errors
Medication errors are frequent and widespread as there are many opportunities for mistakes from the time a doctor prescribes a medication and the time a patient uses the medicine.
Common causes of medication errors include but are not limited to the following:
- Illegible or misinterpreted handwriting;
- Errors entering patient information into computer systems;
- Selecting the wrong medication from a drop-down list;
- Formulation errors;
- Pharmacists ignoring warnings regarding high dosages or drug interactions;
- Interruptions while entering changes on mobile devices;
- Misinterpreted metric measurements;
- Abbreviations interpreted in different ways; and
- Prescriptions prescribed remotely that are matched with the wrong patient.
Because there are so many different formulations for certain medicines, there is a great potential for confusion. Sometimes patients receive the wrong formulation or the correct formulation with the incorrect instructions. As formulations affect the body very differently, substitutions can be quite severe.
Tips to Avoid Medication and Prescription Errors
There are some tips to help avoid the most frequent medication and prescription errors. These are as follows:
- Write down the name of the drug and the dosage prescribed by your doctor;
- Double-check the label and dosage on the drug when you pick up your prescription;
- Open the container and look at the drug to verify it matches your previous prescription or is the same as described or shown to you by your doctor;
- Verify that the drug has adequate information regarding health risks, including side effects or risks associated with drug interaction; and
- Ask your pharmacist questions if details seem lacking or incorrect.
Contact Us for a Complimentary Case Evaluation
At Knapp & Roberts, we offer a complimentary consultation in which we will analyze the facts of your case and advise you on what is needed to bring an Arizona medical malpractice action. Arizona places strict time limits on filing a medical malpractice claim. If you wait too long, you risk losing your right to a recovery, so don’t delay.
Contact us for your appointment today. We accept medical malpractice cases on a contingency fee basis, so you only pay us if and when we bring in a monetary verdict or settlement in your favor.