Standards of Care In Arizona Nursing Homes
Most families would prefer to keep a cherished elderly family member in their homes where they are safe and comfortable, but seniors eventually reach a stage of life where they need a greater level of medical care than most families are capable of providing at home. When families place an elderly loved one into…
How to Sue a Nursing Home for Negligence In Arizona
In the final years of their lives, our elderly family members deserve high-quality care with respect for their individuality and human dignity. Nursing homes promise family members that they will uphold this right. Yet, the National Council on Aging (NCOA) warns that one in ten seniors suffer from abuse, including hundreds of thousands of…
How Do I Report a Nursing Home to the State of Arizona?
When an elderly loved one’s medical needs exceed the family’s ability to provide essential care, they seek the best possible nursing home to entrust with their loved one. Nursing home administrators make promising reassurances and present glossy brochures, but sadly, they do not always live up to their legal duty of care. Discovering that…
Errors That Lead to Heart Attack Misdiagnosis
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease remains a leading cause of death in the United States with 702,880 deaths in a single recent year. Still, despite the alarming statistics, medical providers miss a startling number of heart attack diagnoses in emergency rooms and urgent care centers, resulting in adverse outcomes…
Common Medical Errors That Cause Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral Palsy is a medical condition caused by a group of neurological disorders that affect movement, muscle tone, and posture. It’s not a genetic disease but, instead, cerebral palsy directly results from either a malformation of the brain during fetal development or—more commonly—from oxygen deprivation during the birthing process. Cerebral palsy is the leading…
Arizona Elder Abuse Law ARS-13-3623
An alarming one out of ten elderly Americans suffer abuse at the hands of caregivers, most frequently in nursing homes and other elder-care facilities. The elderly are vulnerable to abuse due to physical frailty, increased instances of cognitive decline, and speech impairments like aphasia, making it difficult or impossible for the elderly to report…
What Are the Effects of Elder Abuse?
Our nation’s elderly are a cherished population. They are those who raised us and earned our respect, care, and compassion during their vulnerable years as they age. Sadly, not all seniors receive the care and protection for their human dignity that they deserve. An estimated one in ten elders in the U.S. experience abuse….
Urinary Tract Infections In Nursing Homes
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most commonly diagnosed infections in nursing homes. This type of infection is more prominent in the female population but also occurs in men. About 30% of women over the age of 85 experienced a UTI in the last month. UTIs in nursing homes make up about one-third…
Understanding Long-Term Care Insurance for Nursing Homes
Planning for the future eventually requires arranging for the possibility of long-term care. While many Americans prepare for retirement, relatively few plan for nursing home care, yet a significant number of elderly adults live in assisted living facilities and eventually nursing homes. Nursing homes provide around-the-clock care for elderly residents who require skilled nursing…
Benefits of Hiring an Elder Abuse Attorney In Phoenix
Our beloved elderly family members deserve the compassionate care and respect for their dignity that they’ve earned over a lifetime. Sadly, one in ten elders over the age of 60 has experienced at least one form of elder abuse. Abuse sometimes takes place in an elderly person’s home by a family member, but is…