What is Comparative Negligence in Arizona?

People are accidentally injured every day across the United States. This results in many injury claims due to car accidents, slip and falls, workplace injuries, medical malpractice, and more. While few of us expect to suffer a personal injury in our own life, statistically, we are likely to do so. The National Center for…

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What is the Elder Justice Act?

Elder abuse is a serious problem in Arizona, with approximately 7,000 seniors experiencing some type of abuse each year. This is a 150% increase over the last decade. Seniors are often vulnerable because they depend on others for assistance. Perpetrators of abuse are overwhelmingly family members and caregivers. Because of their level of reliance…

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Is Lane Splitting Legal in Arizona? (2022 Update)

Lane splitting is a term applied to motorcyclists that drive between two lanes of traffic heading in the same direction. A motorcyclist might lane split, for example, to bypass lanes of slowed traffic. Since the legalization of lane splitting in the neighboring state of California (the first state in the country to officially make…

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What Are the Different Types of Negligence?

Personal injury law hinges on the legal concept of negligence, or one party’s failure to act with reasonable care in a given set of circumstances. Drivers have a duty of care to obey traffic laws and drive safely. Medical professionals have a duty of care to do no harm to their patients and secure…

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10 of the Most Surprising Arizona Laws

Every state has unique laws, and many local ordinances surprise those who visit Arizona. Despite the fact that some areas still uphold outdated, excessively harsh, or even silly laws, it is important to know and follow these rules to prevent fines and avoid having to call your accident attorney. Avondale Anti-Astrology Laws If you…

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7 Best Practices for Arizona Bicyclists

Bicycling is a healthy, fun, and eco-friendly alternative to driving, but Arizona bicyclists need to know the state’s laws concerning cycling and how to avoid accidents. Generally, the law considers bicycles as equivalent to motor vehicles, therefore bicyclists always have an obligation to follow posted traffic signals and operate their bicycles as safely as…

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What Is the Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act of 2018?

On October 3rd, 2018, the United States Senate overwhelmingly passed H.R. 302, or the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018. Part of this act relates to sports medicine licensure and protections for covered medical professionals. The Sports Medicine Licensure Clarity Act of 2018 will protect sports medicine professionals who travel across state lines with sports…

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Who Is Responsible for Providing Me With a Rental Car After an Accident?

After a disastrous collision, your car may be inoperable for days or even weeks. While your vehicle is in the shop, how will you get to work, drive kids to school, or get food? Most drivers rely on rental vehicles after crashes to get around while their cars are at the mechanic’s. If someone…

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Arizona Accident Statistics

Vehicle accidents occur every day all over the country, and drivers of every state should know the unique risks they face on the road, their state’s laws regarding car accidents, and their obligations as drivers. Arizona residents should know a few key statistics regarding accidents on Arizona roads, where they happen, and the aftermath…

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What are Arizona’s Electric Scooter Laws?

Many Arizonans are exploring new alternatives to driving, and electric scooters are growing increasingly popular throughout the state. Arizona recently enacted several laws in regard to these electric scooters, laws for operation, and who may legally operate them. Before purchasing an electric scooter or using an electric scooter sharing program like Lime or Bird,…

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