Who is at Fault in a Lane Change Accident?

Assessing any car accident for fault can be a difficult task. This is especially true with lane change accidents. Lane change accidents are generally sideswipe collisions meaning that two vehicles crash horizontally. Eyewitness information, police evidence, and other information such as cell phone records may be needed to determine which driver or drivers are…

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What are the Rights of an Injured Passenger?

Vehicle passengers who are harmed in car accidents have legal rights. The focus of most car accidents is on the driver or drivers of the vehicles involved, and for a good reason. These people will ultimately be responsible for the costs and damages associated with the collision, along with any potential criminal liability. However,…

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Can Someone File a Civil Suit for a Car Accident?

The injured car accident victim can file a civil suit to recover their accident-related damages. However, recovering damages from a car accident does not always require the time, expense, and risk related to a civil lawsuit. The Insurance Claims Process Arizona requires car owners to carry accident insurance on their vehicles. Therefore, the first…

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Seat Belt Injuries in a Car Accident

Seat belts are meant to protect vehicle riders and usually work as intended, preventing severe injuries in the event of a car crash. While a seat belt may leave a passenger with bruises or lacerations, they are saved from colliding with large inanimate objects and inflicting more serious bodily harm. However, seat belts, like…

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When to Hire an Attorney for a Car Accident

When people suffer injuries in a car accident, they are often sure if and when to hire a car accident attorney.  While accidents resulting in only minor property damage may not require a personal injury attorney’s services, those with bodily injury usually do.  The best time to speak with and ultimately retain an experienced…

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What If the Other Driver’s Insurance Company Denies Liability in a Car Accident?

At first, your car accident claim was fairly straightforward – you stopped at an intersection and the other driver rear-ended you. At the scene, you exchanged insurance information, submitted the claim, and simply waited for the other party’s insurance company to offer compensation. Now, however, the insurance company denies liability in the accident. What…

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Why Should I Report My Car Accident?

Every state has unique laws when it comes to reporting traffic accidents, but ultimately the best rule to follow is to report any auto accident that results in any kind of injury or death. Failure to report an accident as required could not only jeopardize your insurance coverage but also lead to criminal charges…

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What Do I Do After a Jackknife Truck Accident?

A tractor-trailer or big rig has two separate parts: a cab where the driver sits and operates the vehicle and a trailer that holds cargo. Due to the separated nature of these large vehicles, sometimes the trailer will swing out to one side of the cab, forming an “L” or “V” shape as it…

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How Witness Statements After an Accident Can Help Your Case

Determining liability for some car accidents is more difficult than others, and it’s vital to understand the importance of witness statements and how they could help your car accident claim. The first steps you take after an accident will strongly influence the outcome of a future lawsuit, and one of your top priorities should…

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What Do Self-Driving Cars Mean for Road Safety?

One of the most important safety features of any vehicle is the driver; experience level, judgment, and avoiding driving under the influence all help avoid accidents. The proliferation of driverless vehicles and autonomous vehicles has caused many Americans to wonder what this means for the safety of U.S. roads, especially after an autonomous Uber…

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