Serious Auto Accidents Resulting in Death a Growing Problem in Arizona
If you turn on the radio during your commute, watch the news, or even get local news app push notifications on your phone, you’ve noticed that every day there are multiple car accidents in the Phoenix metropolitan area. These collisions result in serious injury and wrongful death far too often. In fact, from 2013-2015,…
Self-Driving Cars Involved in Auto Accidents, Some Fatal
Self-driving or driverless cars are making their way to roads across the U.S. and abroad. As popularity and demand for these cars continues to grow, stories of auto accidents – some fatal – have surfaced. Last week, we heard of Google’s worst accident yet involving a self-driving car that Google insists was not their…
5 Most Common Reasons Car Accidents Occur
In 2013, the Arizona Department of Transportation reported a total of 107,348 crashes. In these, 50,284 people were injured and 844 were killed. Despite technological advances working to reduce the amount of driving accidents each year, auto accidents remain a risk daily for Americans everywhere. That’s why it’s important that every driver know the…
6 Rollover Prevention Tips
A vehicle rollover is one of the worst things that can happen to you while driving. According to Consumer Reports, rollovers make up only 3 percent of all serious crashes, but they account for an estimated 30 percent of people killed while riding in a vehicle. Rollovers can happen to anyone – adults and…