7 Best Practices for Arizona Bicyclists

Bicycling is a healthy, fun, and eco-friendly alternative to driving, but Arizona bicyclists need to know the state’s laws concerning cycling and how to avoid accidents. Generally, the law considers bicycles as equivalent to motor vehicles, therefore bicyclists always have an obligation to follow posted traffic signals and operate their bicycles as safely as…

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Phoenix Increases Bicycle Safety Efforts

It’s one of the best times of year to be in Phoenix. The weather is beautiful and many Phoenicians will head outside to ride bikes. Regardless of how old the rider is or how long the distance is you’re riding, there are certain safety risks that come with riding a bike. It is extremely…

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#1 Safety Tip for Bicyclists

Bike rides are a great way to enjoy the outdoors, spend time as a family, or get in some exercise. However, with bike accidents happening regularly, it can also be scary to ride a bike. So what’s the number 1 most important thing you can do to keep you and your family safe? Wear…

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7 Tips for Bicycle Safety

You’ll see them all too often this time of year in Phoenix: bicycle accidents. With the weather so nice, more and more people make their way outdoors to hike, bike, jog, and more, but activities such as these come with some risk. This is especially true for bicyclists. Some roads have bike lanes and…

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