What is a Catastrophic Birth?

Labor and childbirth rarely go exactly as parents hope when they’re making a birth plan. Laboring moms may ask for medication when they planned a drug-free birth, or a baby’s position or other circumstances may require a C-section when a woman planned a vaginal delivery. Fortunately, the majority of childbirths have a happy ending,…

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Common Examples of Medical Malpractice That Lead to Birth Injuries

Modern medicine should make childbirth safer than ever and birth injuries and deaths a rare occurrence. However, doctors and other health care providers make errors every day, placing mothers and their babies at risk of serious, debilitating injuries. These mistakes can happen at any time during pregnancy or the birthing process. The following is…

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Is a Child’s Birth Injury Considered Medical Malpractice?

Birth injuries only occur in a small fraction of live births each year in the United States, but when they occur, they can result in a lifetime of struggles and economic hardships for a family. Attending physicians and prenatal care providers must ensure they meet the standard of care for every patient and properly monitor…

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United States Among the Highest Maternal Mortality Rates

The New York Times reports the maternal mortality rate in many nations has fallen sharply except in the United States. According to a study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, the rate of women dying during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth has doubled in Texas. The maternal mortality ratio was 35.8 per 100,000 live…

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8 years later, Couple learns why newborn son died

David and Karen White were just like any parents – eager for the birth of their baby boy whom they would name Matthew. It was November 3, 2006 when Karen went into labor at Antrim Area Hospital. Five days later, Matthew died from brain damage. Now, 8 years later, David and Karen are finding…

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New device aims to reduce birth injuries during C-sections

Every year, millions of proud parents eagerly await the birth of their child. It’s an exciting time, but also a nerve-racking one. Couples may take classes, read books, and scour the web to ensure every step is followed during pregnancy in hopes of a healthy baby girl or boy. Unfortunately, there are some things…

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