How Cerebral Palsy Affects Daily Life
Cerebral palsy is commonly described as both a movement disorder and a group of individual disorders impacting movement, posture, and balance, with the severity and combination of symptoms varying from one individual to another. Some cerebral palsy sufferers manage a degree of independence while others require 24-hour care. Regardless of the degree of impairment…
What Commonly Causes Hypoxia in Newborns?
The birth of a new baby is a joyous, unforgettable event for every family, but when parents learn their baby suffered hypoxia during or after childbirth, they’re left wondering what the future holds. Despite advances in today’s obstetric care, hypoxia and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), remain a problem with long-term health impacts for more than…
Can Nurses Be Held Liable for Birth Injuries?
Nurses play a critical role in healthcare today, including in labor and delivery. Far from their early role which was primarily to stand by and hand implements to the doctors and provide basic hygiene care to mothers before and after delivery, today’s labor and delivery nurses possess a high level of specialized knowledge and…
Can an Epidural Cause Birth Defects?
The labor and delivery process is extremely painful, often to the point that mothers compare all other types of pain to this excruciating natural process. An epidural is a modern form of pain management for laboring mothers used in about ¾ of births in the United States. An epidural efficiently blocks pain signals from…
What Are Doulas and Can They Be Held Medically Liable?
Doulas have a long history in the childbirth experience, dating as far back in the human record as we can peer, with the word “doula” stemming from the ancient Greek word for handmaiden. Women offering aid, wisdom, and comfort to another woman during labor and delivery can be a critical means of physical and…
What Is the Difference Between Erb’s Palsy & Cerebral Palsy?
The difference between Erb’s palsy and cerebral palsy (CP) is that a birth injury causes Erb’s palsy. Abnormal brain development can result in CP. Erb’s palsy is also a nerve condition, and CP is a cerebral motor cortex issue; however, both conditions affect muscle function. In this article, a Phoenix birth injury lawyer describes…
Can a Doctor Be Liable For Prolonged Labor?
The labor and delivery process is incredibly difficult on a woman’s body. There are many things that can go wrong, including prolonged labor that adds continued stress to the body of the mother and child. However, can a doctor be held liable for prolonged labor that leads to injuries or illness of the mother…
Is a Child’s Birth Injury Considered Medical Malpractice?
Birth injuries only occur in a small fraction of live births each year in the United States, but when they occur, they can result in a lifetime of struggles and economic hardships for a family. Attending physicians and prenatal care providers must ensure they meet the standard of care for every patient and properly…