What Is The PACT ACT?
The years-long fight in the US Legislature to secure funding for veterans harmed by exposure to toxic substances finally ended in 2022 with the signing of the PACT Act. The bipartisan action delivers on the Biden Administration’s promise to address the issue of toxic exposures and their ongoing impacts on veterans. The issue hits…
Is it Too Late to File a Claim Against Camp Lejeune?
Thousands of victims of the water contamination at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune have come forward with their claims since the Camp Lejeune Justice Act passed as part of the bipartisan PACT Act expanding benefits and compensation for victims of toxic exposure in the military. The Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxins Act is one…
How Much is Your Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Case Worth?
For decades, the drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune was contaminated with shockingly high concentrations of toxic Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs’) from solvents and other chemicals improperly stored in leaking underground tanks. These contaminants came from both a dry-cleaning business and from military facilities operating on the base. Leaking toxins seeped into…
Exposure to Camp Lejeune Contaminated Water in Utero
We’ve heard a great deal in recent months about the contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune and its cancer-causing ill effects on veterans. But a less-often talked about concern associated with water contamination at Camp Lejeune is the effect it had on unborn babies. Clear evidence proves that many children born to…