Arizona Elder Abuse Law ARS-13-3623
An alarming one out of ten elderly Americans suffer abuse at the hands of caregivers, most frequently in nursing homes and other elder-care facilities. The elderly are vulnerable to abuse due to physical frailty, increased instances of cognitive decline, and speech impairments like aphasia, making it difficult or impossible for the elderly to report…
What Are the Effects of Elder Abuse?
Our nation’s elderly are a cherished population. They are those who raised us and earned our respect, care, and compassion during their vulnerable years as they age. Sadly, not all seniors receive the care and protection for their human dignity that they deserve. An estimated one in ten elders in the U.S. experience abuse….
Understanding Long-Term Care Insurance for Nursing Homes
Planning for the future eventually requires arranging for the possibility of long-term care. While many Americans prepare for retirement, relatively few plan for nursing home care, yet a significant number of elderly adults live in assisted living facilities and eventually nursing homes. Nursing homes provide around-the-clock care for elderly residents who require skilled nursing…
Benefits of Hiring an Elder Abuse Attorney In Phoenix
Our beloved elderly family members deserve the compassionate care and respect for their dignity that they’ve earned over a lifetime. Sadly, one in ten elders over the age of 60 has experienced at least one form of elder abuse. Abuse sometimes takes place in an elderly person’s home by a family member, but is…
MRSA Infections In Nursing Home Residents
Infections are a common problem in nursing homes, where elderly residents with decreased immunity live together in close quarters. A Phoenix nursing home abuse lawyer can help if your loved one contracted a preventable infection due to negligent care. Staphylococcus aureus (staph) infections are a frequent cause of illness, morbidity, and mortality in nursing…
How to Recognize Stage 2 Bedsores
Nursing home administrators, staff, and caregivers have a legal obligation to provide skilled care and the best possible quality of life with respect for each resident’s human dignity. Part of this responsibility is to prevent painful bedsores and to promptly recognize bedsores in the earliest possible stages to minimize the pain and prevent infections…
The Importance of Monitoring Systems for the Elderly
As our population ages, the need for effective care solutions for elderly individuals becomes increasingly vital. Many seniors prefer to remain in their own homes rather than move to nursing homes, especially given the growing concerns over nursing home abuse and understaffing. Home monitoring systems have emerged as a crucial tool in safeguarding the…
How to Stay Out of a Nursing Home
Moving into an assisted living facility or a nursing home is a huge step that may feel like a terrible blow to a senior facing the loss of their independence. Most seniors would prefer to remain in their own familiar homes as they enjoy their golden years and even as they enter the elderly…
Poor Oral Health In Nursing Home Residents
Medical advances and increased awareness of dental hygiene have resulted in a growing population of elderly individuals in the U.S. and worldwide with those at an advanced age still retaining at least some of their natural teeth. While having natural teeth generally supports a longer lifespan because it allows the elderly to consume a…
When Do I Need to Hire an Elder Abuse Attorney In Phoenix?
Most families love and cherish their elderly loved ones, even when they place them in assisted living facilities or nursing homes for care needs that exceed the family’s abilities. Tragically, members of our most vulnerable generation sometimes experience abuse at the hands of those tasked with their care, including nursing home caregivers, home health…