5 Tips for Caring for a Person with Dementia
Caring for a loved one with dementia can be very challenging. People with dementia from conditions such as Alzheimer’s have a progressive brain disorder that makes it more and more difficult to remember things, think clearly, communicate, and take care of one’s self. It can also cause mood swings and even change a person’s…
Arizona Nursing Home Violations on the Rise Despite Improved Ranking Nationally
When searching for a safe home for your loved one, you must proceed with extreme caution. There are many nursing home violations that you should be aware of. We always recommend you start your research online, but this isn’t a guarantee you’ve found a good home. That’s because the way data is presented can…
Report Shows Ultrasound Speeds Up Healing of Bedsores & Pressure Ulcers
The Joint Commission estimates that 2.5 million Americans suffer from bedsores each year. Bedsores, also known as pressure sores or pressure ulcers, are very painful, potentially life-threatening injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin that limits blood flow. These injuries are common among elderly people, whose skin…
Alzheimer’s: What You Need To Know
There are currently 5 million people living with Alzheimer’s in America, of which 1 in 3 will die from the disease. According to a report by the Alzheimer’s Association, this number is expected to double to 10 million as baby boomers age and develop Alzheimer’s. Of those who reach 65 years old, 1 in…
Neglected Nursing Home Resident Left Bleeding on the Floor
Two nurses and a nurses aide in Queens, NY have been arrested for allegedly neglecting a 51-year-old physically and mentally disabled resident for 20 minutes as he lay on the floor bleeding, and then dragging him across the hallway to his room. It was all caught on a security camera, and although it is…
3 Things You Can Do To Prevent Wandering and Elopement
One of the most life-threatening issues a person with cognitive impairments faces when in the care of a group home or nursing home is wandering and elopement. The National Institute for Elopement Prevention and Resolution (NIEPR) defines this as, “When a patient or resident who is cognitively, physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or chemically impaired; wanders…
A Nursing Home Care Plan
Once your loved one enters a nursing home, the nursing home is required to create a care plan. This helps the nursing home understand a resident’s medical, nursing, and psychological needs and create a plan based on those needs. More importantly, this is your opportunity to be detailed in relaying your loved one’s needs…
Bed Bugs Found in Nursing Homes
In starting the process of looking for a good assisted living facility for your loved one, it’s always a good idea to start online. By researching the facilities with the best reviews, ratings, and fewest violations, you can narrow down a list of facilities that offer the greatest chance at a safe home for…
What to Look For On a Nursing Home Tour
Searching for a nursing home, assisted living facility or group home online is just the beginning when choosing a safe place for you loved one. Once you’ve narrowed down a list of facilities that best fit your loved one’s needs, you’ll want to take a tour. Here are 5 things to look for when…
New Mexico Pursues Lawsuit Against Major Nursing Home Chain
New Mexico Attorney General, Hector Balderas, filed a lawsuit against a major nursing home chain. Preferred Care Partners Management Group is based in Texas but operates in 11 states including Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and New Mexico. The suit claims understaffing made it impossible to address resident needs,…