When Can a Prescription Error Lead to a Lawsuit?

We trust our medical professionals to hold our best interests as their highest priority in all of our care, from yearly physicals to surgeries and emergency care. Most of us don’t think twice when we take a medication prescribed to us by our doctor, expecting that the drug will improve our symptoms or help…

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Can A Doctor Be Liable for Birth Control Side Effects?

Contraceptives profoundly changed women’s lives since their use was first legalized in 1965. Before that time, women relied on inefficient and often ineffective natural methods or nothing at all. Today, the CDC tells us that at least 65% of American women use contraceptives, but as society-altering as these wonder medications and devices have been,…

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Can I File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit After a Drug Recall?

A patient might file a medical malpractice lawsuit against their doctor or medical provider after a drug recall only if the doctor or medical practitioner who prescribed the drug was negligent in doing so and the patient suffered harm as a result.  When a doctor or provider prescribes a drug for its intended purposes…

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Common Medical Errors and Preventing Medical Malpractice

Every day throughout the United States, medical errors result in preventable patient complications, illnesses, and even deaths.  As a patient, it is vital to be aware of and recognize the most common types of medical errors.  You are your first line of protection in the fight for correct and competent medical care. Medical Practitioners…

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Medical Errors Caused by Poor Communication

A leading cause of medical errors and harm to patients in the healthcare system is poor communication.  In fact, communication failure was cited for up to 30% of medical malpractice cases in a recent study by CRICO Strategies.   The breakdowns in communication discussed by this study included: Miscommunication regarding the patient’s condition between care team…

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Opioid Addiction and Medical Malpractice

Opioid addiction is a significant problem in the United States, and opioids make up a significant percentage of overdose deaths every year.  More than 136 Americans die each day due to opioid overdose.   From the 1990s to the 2000s, pharmaceutical companies touted prescription opioids as a safe and non-addictive form of pain relief for…

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