Can You Sue a Doctor for Misdiagnosis?
Doctors have a duty to their patients to deliver timely and accurate diagnoses. Although medicine is an inherently uncertain field and some diseases and medical conditions may have symptoms that mimic other conditions, medical professionals have a duty to deliver the most accurate diagnoses possible to their patients. When a doctor delivers an incorrect…
Woman has unnecessary hysterectomy, files lawsuit and wins
So many of us trust our doctor implicitly. We count on him or her to be knowledgeable of every possible diagnosis and treatment. We trust that he or she has our best interest in mind. And because of this, we’re willing to do whatever it is our doctor recommends. The only problem is: what…
5 things you can do to avoid a misdiagnosis
A study published in the journal BMJ Quality & Safety states that approximately 12 million adults who seek outpatient medical care in the U.S. are misdiagnosed. That’s 1 in every 20 adults at risk for serious harm and even death. That’s why it’s best to arm yourself with information to protect you and your…
The Dangers of Misread Pap Smears
Routine preventive care is the best way to maintain your health with time. If you wait to see a doctor, it may be too late to treat a problem. That’s why pap smears are a vital part of a women’s health checkup. Pap smears are designed to test for cervical cancer in women. It…