Study Found Medication Errors in 1 out of 2 Surgeries

Researchers from the anesthesiology department of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) observed 277 random procedures for seven months there and found that half of all surgeries involved some kind of medication error or unintended drug side effects. Of these errors, more than one-third resulted in harm the patient. In 1999, the Institute of Medicine identified…

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Accused Drunk Driver Arrested in Crash that Killed 20-Year-Old Glendale Man

In Arizona, it seems as though drunk drivers have dominated headlines in recent years. It’s no longer something that drivers must beware of on weekends, holidays, and late at night. It’s happening in broad daylight, in the middle of the week, and in unexpected ways. The most recent surprise came this past Wednesday, on…

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Group Home Abuse: Why is a Developmentally Disabled Adult at Higher Risk

Caring for a loved one with a disability can be extremely difficult. It may require constant supervision and attention that you can’t always provide. This is why many families in Arizona turn to group homes to help care for their developmentally disabled adult loved one. It’s not an easy decision. In fact, it can be…

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What is Placenta Accreta?

Placenta Accreta is a potentially life-threatening medical condition that occurs during pregnancy. Instead of the placenta attaching just to the wall of the uterus, the placenta grows too deeply into the uterine lining and becomes firmly attached. Typically the placenta detaches from the uterine wall after childbirth, but with the placenta firmly attached, this…

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Nursing Home Residents Fall Victim to Financial Abuse

For families with a loved one in a nursing home, they often worry about their loved one falling victim to physical abuse. This is a valid concern and one that should be taken very seriously, but what’s not often considered is the potential for other types of abuse, such as financial abuse. A nursing…

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11-Year-Old Awarded Settlement in Birth Injury Lawsuit

The London High Courts recently awarded a $2.5 million compensation package to an 11-year-old boy based on birth injury malpractice allegations. In 2004, the boy’s mother endured a difficult and prolonged labor, leaving her son’s brain to be starved of oxygen. This caused irreversible neurological damage that affected his mobility, speech and cognitive development….

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New Distracted Driving Law in Effect This Weekend in Tempe

Tempe is launching a new ordinance Saturday to help keep drivers safe. Effective October 24, drivers who are seen swerving or driving erratically while holding a phone could get pulled over. Fines for a first offense is $100, a second violation is $250, and any fine thereafter within a two year period will cost…

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The 10 Most Common Emergency Room Errors

When you visit an emergency room, you have the right to expect the same high standard of care that you would expect from any doctor or healthcare professional. You expect that the proper tests and imaging will be ordered, the proper medications administered, and the correct diagnosis made. Unfortunately, there is much discrepancy among…

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Rollover Accident Prevention

A vehicle rollover is among the worst things that can happen to you on the road. According to, rollovers occur in only about 3 percent of all serious crashes, but they account for about 30 percent of people killed while riding in a passenger vehicle. As time goes on, rollover-avoidance technologies, vehicle design, safety…

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5 Tips for Caring for a Person with Dementia

Caring for a loved one with dementia can be very challenging. People with dementia from conditions such as Alzheimer’s have a progressive brain disorder that makes it more and more difficult to remember things, think clearly, communicate, and take care of one’s self. It can also cause mood swings and even change a person’s…

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