According to the CDC Motor Vehicle Safety, every day in the United States, nearly 10 people are killed and more than 1,153 people are injured in crashes that involve a distracted driver. Distracted driving is driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving, which could include eating, texting, listening to the radio, talking on the phone, checking an email, looking at a map, and more. Distracted driving can increase the chance of a motor vehicle accidents; however we were recently introduced to a new technology which could drastically improve distracted driving accident numbers- the Groove device
In 2008, Scott Tibbitts scheduled a meeting with a VP of an engineering company, Dave Sueper. Although Scott and Dave had never met, Scott was stunned to learn that Dave had been killed in a two-car crash hours earlier on the way to the office. The cause of the accident? The 16-year-old driver of the other vehicle was distracted by his phone, ran a red light, and t-boned Dave’s car.
Like Scott, Dave was a husband and father of two. So when Scott heard the news, he was devastated that Dave lost his life from something so mindless and tragic. Because of this, Scott and a team of successful technology entrepreneurs founded Katasi to create Groove – the world’s first Cloud-based solution to distracted driving.
What is the Groove Device?
How does it work? A Groove device connects to the Cloud, letting your phone provider know when you are driving and blocking distractions so you can focus on the drive. The best part? Groove works with any phone – even iPhone. Many other options only work with certain phones or operating systems.
Another reason to use this technology? Aside from keeping you and your family safe, a Groove device tracks your “focused driving miles” and you can earn rewards for that time and redeem it for coffee, concert tickets, food, or even pay it forward to your favorite charity.
To see how Groove works, check out Katie Couric’s interview with Scott Tibbitts.