Drowning Accident Prevention

It’s not summertime in the valley, but the risk of drowning in Phoenix is a year-round concern. This is due in large part to the fact that many homes have a pool, but there are other risks to beware of, as well. On Saturday, a 9-month-old boy died from drowning in a bucket of water at a Phoenix apartment complex. The baby was found face down in the bucket for an unknown amount of time. Crews performed CPR on and administered drugs to the child upon arrival. He was then taken to Phoenix Children’s Hospital where staff administered critical care to the baby for about 20 minutes, but was unfortunately pronounced dead. Too many heartbreaking events like this happen every year in Arizona, but there are things you can do to protect your children and prevent a drowning accident in your home. Simply follow these 6 drowning accident prevention steps:

1.) Fence it in. This is essential in Arizona. Your pool should be surrounded by a fence that’s at least 4 feet tall with each slat being no wider than 4 inches, so kids can’t squeeze through. You’ll want to avoid chain-link fences, for this can be easy for children to climb. As for entry and exit, you’ll want to make sure the gate self-closes and self-latches. You’ll also want that latch to beyond a child’s reach with a lock.

2.) Remove toys. Often times children venture outside where they shouldn’t be because they see something they’re trying to get to, like a toy. By removing all toys from outside, it lessens the appeal and likelihood of your child wanting to go outside.

3.) Install alarms. Every door in your Arizona home that leads to the backyard where the pool is should have an alarm. There are inexpensive door alarms you can purchase that sound every time the door opens. You can also opt for home alarm systems like Cox HomeLife, ADT, SimpliSafe, and others. These will install systems that make a sound every time certain doors are opened and closed.

4.) Teach your child how to swim. We’ve written about some great swimming resources in the valley to teach your child how to swim or even teach your child what to do if he or she falls in the pool.

5.) Be overcautious. As the above example shows, something as simple as a bucket of water or even your dog’s water bowl can be harmful to your child’s safety. Take steps to reduce the risks in your room and if there’s some risks that are unavoidable (like a dog’s water bowl), the best option may be to put the water in a safe area where your child can’t get to it.

6.) Prepare yourself for the worst. It’s easy to tell others to watch their children at all times – and you should. But what’s equally as important is that you teach yourself how to save your child’s life. There are a lot of options for CPR classes in the valley and even if you think it will never happen to you, at the very least learning CPR will give you peace of mind. You can find class options from the American Red Cross.

If you or a loved on has been injured while swimming, the Phoenix personal injury lawyers at Knapp & Roberts are here to help. Call our offices today at (480) 991-7677 or fill out an online form for a free consultation.