Nanny Cams in Nursing Homes

A growing number of families are facing a difficult decision: whether or not to place a loved one in the care of someone else. Many families will try to care for a loved one on their own, but are unable to do so 24/7. This is when many turn to a nursing home or an at-home caregiver. This is never an easy decision. It’s difficult to trust that your loved one’s every need will be taken care of by a complete stranger. There’s a risk of neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, and more. That’s why it’s so important that families research every home or caregiver thoroughly before making a decision.

If you’re concerned your loved one may be a victim of abuse, many families consider nanny cams for peace of mind. Nanny cams are hidden cameras put in a loved one’s room so families can have the comfort of knowing their loved one is safe – even when they can’t be there. On the flip side, nanny cams can catch abuse or neglect on camera, allowing families to stop abuse the first time it happens.

This past November, a nanny cam in Florida caught two nursing assistants tormenting and hitting a 76-year-old Alzheimer’s patient. The patient was in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s and unable to communicate. It started with his son noticing bruises on his father’s legs and arms. He asked the nursing home about it, but they were unable to explain the marks. That’s when he took matters into his own hands.

He set up a nanny cam in his father’s room and would frequently check footage. He found three separate occasions of different nursing assistants pretending to punch his father, taking his father’s hands and making him hit himself in his own face, taunting his father by holding him down so he cannot move, and more. The fact that someone could do that to another human being is sickening – especially when that person is elderly and unable to stand up for him or herself. Our elders should be treated with respect. However, one good thing came of this: both nursing assistants involved were charged with battery of an elderly person and arrested. They will not be able to work with another elderly person ever again and it’s all because of the proof obtained through a nanny cam.

Nanny cams can offer peace of mind to families of a loved one in a nursing home. If you suspect your loved one is being abused or neglected, consider a nanny cam. It can help prevent serious injury and even death.