Phoenix Amputations Attorney

Permanently losing a limb due to accidental circumstances is a life-changing, frightening experience. You may not know what to expect from your amputation injury or what resources are available to you in Phoenix. At Knapp & Roberts, we can help connect you with the amputation support resources available as well as help you pursue rightful compensation for your suffering. A Phoenix amputations attorney at our office is passionate and dedicated with each case; our trial lawyers want to learn about how the accident occurred, and the immediate effects on your life. Whether presenting your case to an insurance representative or to a jury, we have an exceptional ability to tell the story of what happened to you.

Amputation Lawsuits for Compensation

Accidents occur frequently that result in a lost limb or amputation. Here are a few scenarios that yield to an amputation lawsuit in Arizona:

  • Medical malpractice : Did mismanaged wound care or negligent surgery follow-up cause an infection to advance to stages where it was necessary to sacrifice the limb? Did a surgical error lead to the unnecessary amputation of a limb? We hold negligent medical professionals accountable.
  • Construction accidents : Did faulty operating systems cause a beam to fall on your leg? Did a defective power tool cause you to suffer amputation injuries to your fingers, toes, or other limbs? We investigate to determine all negligent parties who can be held accountable.
  • Warehouse and factory accidents: Was your arm caught in dangerous machinery? Was your finger severed as a result of conveyor belt defects? We thoroughly analyze the situation to determine if a product liability claim is warranted against the equipment manufacturer or other negligent party.

If you or a loved one has suffered the loss of a limb in a serious accident in Arizona, talk to a passionate and experienced Phoenix personal injury attorney at Knapp & Roberts.

Free initial consultation. If you have a legal matter you wish to discuss with one of our Phoenix amputation attorneys at no charge, please contact us by telephone or e-mail, or complete the contact form and one of our lawyers will contact you.

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