Phoenix Dram Shop Liability Lawyer

While tougher DUI laws and increased enforcement have reduced drunk driving in the United States, someone still dies in an alcohol-related car accident approximately every 30 minutes (NHTSA 2006). A Phoenix dram shop liability lawyer at Knapp & Roberts is committed to pursuing justice under our dram shop laws in Arizona for innocent people who are injured by drunk drivers, as well as the families of those who are killed in alcohol related collisions.

It is important to understand that not only can drunk drivers be held liable for your injuries caused in a alcohol related accident, but so can the establishments that served alcoholic beverages to obviously intoxicated individuals who inflict serious injury or death on others. In addition to bars and liquor stores, these establishments can include restaurants, social clubs, and even private events where liquor is sold.

Our firm has the resources, knowledge, and experience needed to successfully handle dram shop liability cases. The Phoenix injury attorneys at Knapp & Roberts can help you hold these establishments responsible for the dangerous actions of a drunk driver when they have illegally sold liquor to that person.

How Does Dram Shop Liability Work in Arizona?

In Arizona, when innocent people are killed or injured by drunk drivers, the responsibility lies not only with the person who chose to drink and drive, but also with the bar or restaurant that continued to serve alcohol to the intoxicated person.

When a commercial establishment or provider is granted a liquor license in Arizona to serve alcohol, they agree to do so in a legally responsible manner. The purpose of the Arizona dram shop law is to discourage providers of alcoholic beverages from serving alcoholic beverages to obviously intoxicated individuals who may inflict serious injury on themselves or others.

An injured person, and the family of a person killed by a drunk driver, can sue the establishment responsible for the losses sustained in an accident. It can be another motorist, a passenger in another car, the family of a person killed by a drunk driver and even the passenger of the intoxicated driver’s car.

While selling liquor to an obviously intoxicated customer represents the most common dram shop violation, the illegal sale of intoxicating beverages can take other forms, such as selling liquor without a license to do so, selling liquor after hours, or selling liquor to a minor.

Pursuing Justice in Drunk Driving Accidents … Holding Drinking Establishments Liable

The irresponsible driver who gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle when intoxicated frequently has very little insurance, or no insurance at all. Additionally, some fatal car accidents in Arizona involve repeat drunk drivers who have lost their driver’s license or are driving on a suspended license. The innocent victims who are injured or killed by the carelessness of such drivers must often look to their own uninsured or underinsured auto coverage for compensation.

At Knapp & Roberts Law Firm, our Phoenix dram shop liability lawyers represent the victims of drunk driver accidents. In representing our clients, we will not stop with the drunk driver and their insurance company. If the drunk driver had been over-served alcohol at a bar or restaurant, we will also look at making the establishment responsible for placing profits over safety of the community.

If you were injured, or a loved one was killed in a drunk driving accident, contact us and learn how we hold both drunk drivers and the negligent bars responsible for alcohol-related injuries and deaths. WE CAN HELP.