Phoenix Sexual Assault Lawyer

We still do not know how many rapes occur in the United States each year. Unfortunately, it is not rare event … it affects hundreds of thousands of people annually. The National Women’s Study found that approximately 13% of adult women had been victims of a completed rape during their lifetime. If you, or a loved one, has been the victim of a sexual assault/rape you have legal rights. A Phoenix sexual assault lawyer at the Knapp & Roberts law firm can help understand your rights. In addition, our law firm will take the necessary legal steps on your behalf to hold the perpetrator (and his employer) liable for your injuries so that you can obtain the compensation you deserve. A sexual assault or rape in Arizona is never the victim’s fault.

Most sexual assault victims experience a wide range of emotional, physical, and psychological problems as a direct result of this crime. You may want justice and to stop this from happening to someone else. As a sexual assault victim in Arizona, we believe you have a right to make your own choices about how to respond to what happened to you. A specialized Phoenix sexual assault attorney at Knapp & Roberts will do the following:

  • Our attorneys will spend time with you in order to understand how the assault has affected your life.
  • In a sexual assault or rape case, our law firm can assemble a team of experts necessary to prove your case and describe your injuries. We have used computer-generated animation and charts to explain how this crime was committed. We have the trial lawyer skills necessary to help the jury understand sexual assault cases.

Free initial consultation. If you have a legal matter you wish to discuss with a Phoenix sexual assault lawyer at no charge, please contact us by telephone or e-mail, or complete the Do I Have a Case form and one of our Phoenix personal injury attorneys will contact you.

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