Powerful New Video Released To Show Devastating Consequences of Driving Distracted

In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers and another 424,000 were injured. Although teens tend to be stereotyped as the ones driving distracted, drivers in their 20s make up 27 percent of the distracted drivers in fatal crashes. Another study by AT&T shows that it’s adults, not teens, who lead the trend on texting while driving. In fact, 41% of teens say they’ve seen their parents text and drive. This comes as no surprise when more than 153 billion text messages are being sent every month in the U.S.

But it’s not just texting and driving we need to avoid. It’s driving while distracted. This could be talking on the phone, sending an email, checking social media, taking a photo, finding a song to play, switching radio stations, or eating. Essentially, anything that takes your eyes off of the road is considered distracted driving.

AT&T has a campaign called ‘It Can Wait’ aimed at giving people the resources and knowledge they need to end distracted driving. Their most recent video campaign released on YouTube has more than 1.3 million views and has been shared all over social media. It’s very powerful and definitely worth the time it takes to watch. You can watch that video below.

Please share this video with others. The more awareness we can spread, the safer we all will be. Also, feel free to take the pledge to not drive distracted along with 7 million others on itcanwait.com. You’ll also find tools and apps you can use on your phone to help fight the urge.