Talcum Powder Linked to Ovarian Cancer: What You Need to Know

In 1892, Johnson & Johnson invented their Baby Powder, a scented powder originally labeled for toilet and nursery. It rapidly became popular, with countless women around the country using the powder (also known as talcum powder) for feminine hygiene, sprinkling it in their underwear for cleanliness and a fresh scent. Since its invention, talcum powder has been used in a variety of cosmetic products to prevent irritation, dry babies’ skin in diapers, and absorb moisture and bad odors. It can also be found in contraceptive devices including condoms and diaphragms to reduce friction.

However it wasn’t until more than a century later that the general public first started to learn that talcum was harmful. After years of use, Diane Berg was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2006 at the age of 49. She sprinkled her underwear with Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Powder for most of her life, not knowing the risks associated in doing so. The product had no label stating any possible cancer risk associated with long-term exposure. Diane filed the first talcum powder lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson in 2009 for gross negligence and fraud.

In 2013, J&J offered her an out of court settlement of $1.3 million to drop all her accusations and settle her case. With this, came a confidentiality clause that Diane refused to sign stating she didn’t care about the money. She only cared to warn people around the world about the dangers of baby talcum powder. In court, a South Dakota jury confirmed the association between talcum powder and cancer, but Diane received no monetary compensation J&J’s wrongdoing.

However, two other judges in St. Louis ordered J&J to pay $127 million in damages to two other families. One of the verdicts found the pharmaceutical giant guilty of negligence, conspiracy and failure to warn women of the increased cancer risk associated with the use of its talcum powder.

Perhaps the most shocking piece of evidence that helped bring justice to women everywhere was a document discovered that showed Johnson & Johnson purposely concealed critical safety information for more than 40 years. This document contained internal correspondence by a medical consultant suggesting that denying the possible risks could damage the company’s image. The pharmaceutical company continues to fight back against these claims and denies the harm associated with their product, despite the evidence against them.

Knapp & Roberts’ expert talcum powder attorneys in Arizona are working hard to not only fight for women with ovarian cancer caused by talcum powder, but also spread the word about the risks involved in using talcum powder long term. Before buying any powder, make sure it is talc free. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum powder products (such as Johnson and Johnson products) on genital areas for feminine hygiene, contact the experienced Phoenix personal injury lawyers at Knapp & Roberts in Arizona today for a free consultation. Call 480-991-7677 or fill out the “Do I Have a Case” form on our website today.